Monday Weigh-In + Non-Scale Victories

weigh in

Hey Beauties!

In general this month I have had more energy and my cardio workouts seem to be getting easier! I have also noticed my clothes feel a little better!

Although this month has been generally great, I will say that I did indulge a little bit last week. One of my friends was in town and a few other life situations led me to not follow my usual lifestyle (excuses excuses!) As I always say I aim to eat clean 100%, I end up eating clean about 85%, and then there are situations where life gets in the way.

So this morning when I weighed myself the scale did say 173.5 lbs which would mean I gained 4.5lbs! (Yikes!) That may not be totally accurate there might be some excess water in that number who knows. I saw the number, I can’t really get mad. I know what type of life I was living last week (haha).

Anyway I am leaving last week in the past and I’m back to my regular lifestyle. I did do a cleanse/detox on Saturday to help me get back into my lifestyle. My energy is up a bit and now I just need to keep going!

Have you slipped up in your weight loss journey? What did you do to help you get back on track?

Stay Connected With Me!

Twitter: @sunlightbeauty1

Instagram: @sunlightbeauty1



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